Our amazing growing baby has been accepted into to the fetus-club, a very exclusive and exiting new stage in their prenatal development. Basically, this means the little sweet pea has graduated from swimming embryo creature to a recognizable human being! This week in particular, the irises of their little eyes can function, but (frustratingly for them?) their eyelids remain fused shut for a while yet. Their external ears are formed and their inner ears are now filled with fluid—so our little one is already developing their sense of balance. Our baby's little swimmer legs are still relatively, although other bodily developments are going forward at a nice pace: their kidney is actually functioning now, which means they’ve started urinating (this might seem charming now but wait till we have to start buying diapers!).
As I think of the growth of our little one, it is so amazing to think of how fast they grow, in the womb and out. I know that we'll never be able to take a day for granted because the days of our child being a baby, will only be for a little while. Then that baby becomes a toddler, and eventually a big boy/girl going to Kindergarten...I don't think I'll survive that!! I can't think of that now I suppose. We are just beginning our journey together and I need to cherish the moments I have with my child right now in the womb, as well as when he/she is born and in my arms!
How I am feeling...
I have felt good today. I can't seem to get enough to eat. Everytime I finish one of my "six small meals" my tummy automatically starts growling like I haven't fed it already!! I guess the baby is relaying messages that it wants more to grow on. Haha. I haven't had any headaches recently like I did in weeks 5-7; so that I am very happy about. The nausea hasn't been a major factor today as it has the past few days. I'm hoping that will begin to phase out! But if it doesn't, it is for a good cause. I will do anything for this baby!
Well I am going to go for now. Just keep coming to check out new postings and possibly pictures. Butch was reading in a book I got him that is called The Expectant Father and it says to take tons of pictures of your wife when she is pregnant. So I guess I need to teach him how to work the camera so I can post more pictures as my tummy grows (and everything else along with it!!!)
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