The hostesses: (L-R) Joan Tucker, Doris Tucker, (ME), Peggy Taylor, Mary Tucker and Kim Bolding
The cute booties cake
The yummy finger foods!
The great gifts from Butch's family
The hamper is awesome isn't it??
The little doll dressed up as a cowboy!
Everyone just chatting

Maggie and her niece
Me, Jeanise and Stephanie
Me, Butch's niece, Shelby and my sister in law, Neida

We had a great turnout for the Baby Shower Tea in Six Mile today. I was very thankful for all the wonderful gifts we received. There was a good variety of things that were given and they are all so very appreciated! Thank you to all of those who came and took time out of their Saturday to come. I enjoyed seeing everyone and had a wonderful time! THANK YOU!
Maggie and her niece
We had a great turnout for the Baby Shower Tea in Six Mile today. I was very thankful for all the wonderful gifts we received. There was a good variety of things that were given and they are all so very appreciated! Thank you to all of those who came and took time out of their Saturday to come. I enjoyed seeing everyone and had a wonderful time! THANK YOU!